mostly agreed
送交者: eachus 2011月02月12日09:19:17 于 [世界股票论坛]
回  答:EMKR’s main business is fiber Grinder1 于2011-02-12 08:05:07
"Nobody can pick a stock that outperforms any other stocks at any single time period.  As a matter of fact, such stock does not exist. So, any ridicule based on relative performance within an arbitrarily fixed time period is total BS."

to pick a stock winner in a short time period is very difficult.
however, to pick a wining company in a long term is brainless.
anyone has half a brain knows  IMB, INTC, MSFT, GE are big blue,
safe and have relatively slower return.   APPL, GOOG are growing
stocks have better return yet more volatility.   GM in 2006-2008
was in lost and shaky. 

If you can identify good companies from bad, then you have a method
to choose a good company and likely a stock winner in a longer term.
for the last 6 months I was comparing number of solar stocks/companies.
I picked LDK and the chart shows LDK is wining statically and consistently.

Anyway, stock market always has something to worry. 

click here if you want to go back to old messages.

Stock ..10/15/2010 .. 09/24/1010 .... Gain $ .... Gain %
LDK ......... 12.12  ....... 8.85 ....... $3.27 ....... 36.95%
YGE ........ 13.12   ...... 12.14 ...... $0.98 ....... 8.07%
SOL ........ 11.87   ...... 13.03 ...... -1.16 ...... -8.9%
TSL ......... 27.87   ....... 27.68 ...... 0.19 ....... 0.69%

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