在美国最大是他-- NREL
送交者: eachus 2010月10月01日20:57:58 于 [世界股票论坛]
回  答:有一道跳不过的篱笆。。。 eachus 于2010-09-30 19:41:42
在美国只有它才干了点事出来,  LDK 跟他们有关系。。。

lick ...


LDK Solar Signs Memorandum of Understanding with National Renewable Energy Laboratory
LDK Solar Co., Ltd. , a leading manufacturer of multicrystalline solar wafers and PV products, announced today the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory for collaborative research and development activities related to silicon materials and photovoltaic devices...

 LDK already has partnerships with China's best tech universities, and the relationship with ENRE will only advance that leadership position further。

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