Any reason?
送交者: wada 2024月07月24日05:08:36 于 [世界军事论坛]
回  答:if you want harris to lose bart21 于2024-07-24 04:51:59

Peter is from Indiana, a shallow red state, he is a graduate from Harvard University and Oxford, Mayor of a city in Indianan, and now the transportation ministerof the country

many many plus plus and pluses 

0.00%(0) 0.00%(0) 0.00%(0)
  America is down with lgbtq  /无内容 - bart21 07/24/24 (26)
    just a rumor  /无内容 - wada 07/24/24 (25)
      Here is his hubby - bart21 07/24/24 (35)
    done  /无内容 - bart21 07/24/24 (14)
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