股票的参考指标: Tom DeMark indicator
送交者: chi 2015-11-23 07:35:44 于 [世界股票论坛]

一个非常有用的股票参考指标-汤姆德马克指标 (Tom DeMark indicator), 不论在牛市或熊市都能赢利!https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.screenulator.ischarts

Instruction Manual: http://www.screenulator.com/ischarts_faq.html

Screenulator's patent pending Trend Reversal and Exhaustion indicators combines 9,13 counting with trendline analysis to pinpoint trend pivots with color coded visual indicator. It has been shown to have an impressive record of identifying and anticipating turning points across the FX, bond, equity and commodity markets. Furthermore, the indicators provide signals not only on a daily chart but also intraday. It identifies when a trend is becoming, or has become, exhausted. This apps automatically identifies Trend Reversal, Trend Exhaustion, and Perfection criteria. It also calculates stoploss levels.


Instruction Manual: http://www.screenulator.com/ischarts_faq.html

TR/TD tutorial with examples:


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