送交者: chi 2013-04-02 23:41:31 于 [世界股票论坛]


筛选与分析美国, 加拿大, 欧洲, 香港, 澳大利亚7000 多股票每日的最新动态走势, 指导每天股票操作.

Screenulator is an automated Chart detection engine that has been used by hundreds of successful traders for years! However, all of the chart pattern analysis have been specifically for the stocks traded in United States. This year, with upgraded server and re-optimized AI engine, Screenulator expands its reach worldwide!

Screenulator now supports world wide markets including: United States (NASDAQ, NYSE, AMEX), Canada TSX, Asia (HKEX, Australia ASX, New Zealand), Europe: London, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Milan, Madrid. Together more than 10,000 stock charts are processed daily to match against highly probably patterns such as support trendlines, resistance, channels, double top / bottom, head and shoulder, flat channel breakouts, top line breakouts and more!

If you are only interested in only one market, no problem! There is a market filter that helps you zero-in on a particular market of your interest! With a wide coverage of stocks, it will help you make high probability trades with confidence! Take charge of your own financial destiny today! Visit http://www.screenulator.com

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