走向超级通胀? 猜猜老柏在暗示什么?
送交者: 道友 2011-11-10 13:00:56 于 [世界股票论坛]

Federal Reserve policy makers "have considerable latitude" to choose its long-term inflation goal, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said Thursday. Bernanke did not elaborate on the remark. Some dovish Fed members believe the central bank should tolerate higher inflation for a period of time in order to help the economy recover to a stronger growth rate. Bernanke made his comment in a speech to soldiers at Fort Bliss, Texas. Bernanke said Congress has given the Fed two "marching orders": support job creation and control inflation. Bernanke said inflation "will remain reasonably close" to the objective of 2% "or a bit less." On the other hand, the Fed is "certainly falling short" of its goal of maximum employment, now somewhere between 5% and 6%.


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    只要量宽,立即进入资源和能源。  /无内容 - first timer 11/10/11 (313)
      赖账路走不通,无论通胀多大也赖不掉账 - qwe9 11/10/11 (522)
        通胀太低害死房市银行,太高的通胀也不行。  /无内容 - eachus 11/10/11 (317)
  只有基本材料和能源了。 - n_m 11/10/11 (385)
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