送交者: 道友 2011-11-09 20:09:39 于 [世界股票论坛]
ECRI预言美国将进入衰退,仔细看其声明,虽然该机构称作出这个预测是基于多个指标,但看下面ECRI的说法主要的还是根据其自己的两个指数,一个是U.S. Long Leading Index,另一个是Weekly Leading Index.这两个指标里包含money supply一项,所以伯南克的直升飞机撒钱对ECRI的指数影响极大。看看08年前后的现金提供量,在08年前美国的现金供应量相对稳定地上涨,那时ECRI的预测没受扭曲,现在ECRI不断强调其前面两次预测都对,可是前面从来就没有过如图所示那么大那么突然地现金供应量的变化,水已经流动,整体化环境已经变化,而ECRI那几个仍然依照刻舟求剑,按以前的老办法做出预测,这种预测不错才奇怪。就比如远距离打靶,没风时瞄好后打了两枪,都中靶了,于是成了神枪手,可是现在刮起了大风,还用老办法瞄准,你能相信他那第三枪还能中靶么?



U.S. Economy Tipping into Recession

Early last week, ECRI notified clients that the U.S. economy is indeed tipping into a new recession. And there’s nothing that policy makers can do to head it off.

ECRI’s recession call isn’t based on just one or two leading indexes, but on dozens of specialized leading indexes, including the U.S. Long Leading Index, which was the first to turn down – before the Arab Spring and Japanese earthquake – to be followed by downturns in the Weekly Leading Index and other shorter-leading indexes. In fact, the most reliable forward-looking indicators are now collectively behaving as they did on the cusp of full-blown recessions, not “soft landings.”

Last year, amid the double-dip hysteria, we definitively ruled out an imminent recession based on leading indexes that began to turn up before QE2 was announced. Today, the key is that cyclical weakness is spreading widely from economic indicator to indicator in a telltale recessionary fashion.

Why should ECRI’s recession call be heeded? Perhaps because, as The Economist has noted, we’ve correctly called three recessions without any false alarms in-between. In contrast, most of those who’ve accurately predicted a recession or two have also been guilty of crying wolf – in 2010, 2005, 2003, 1998, 1995, or 1987.

A new recession isn’t simply a statistical event. It’s a vicious cycle that, once started, must run its course. Under certain circumstances, a drop in sales, for instance, lowers production, which results in declining employment and income, which in turn weakens sales further, all the while spreading like wildfire from industry to industry, region to region, and indicator to indicator. That’s what a recession is all about.

But how can we have a new recession just a couple of years after the last one officially ended? Isn’t this too short for an economic expansion?

More than three years ago, before the Lehman debacle, we were already warning of a longstanding pattern of slowing growth: at least since the 1970s, the pace of U.S. growth – especially in GDP and jobs – has been stair-stepping down in successive economic expansions. We expected this pattern to persist in the new economic expansion after the recession ended, and it certainly did. We also pointed out – months before the recession ended – that because the “Great Moderation” of business cycles (from about 1985 to 2007) was now history, the resulting combination of higher cyclical volatility and lower trend growth would virtually dictate an era of more frequent recessions.

So it comes as no surprise to us that, with the latest expansion only a couple of years old, we’re already facing a new recession. Actually, such short expansions are hardly unheard of. From 1799 to 1929, nearly 90% of U.S. expansions lasted three years or less, as did two of the three expansions between 1970 and 1981. In other words, such short expansions are unusual only with respect to recent decades.

It’s important to understand that recession doesn’t mean a bad economy – we’ve had that for years now. It means an economy that keeps worsening, because it’s locked into a vicious cycle. It means that the jobless rate, already above 9%, will go much higher, and the federal budget deficit, already above a trillion dollars, will soar.

Here’s what ECRI’s recession call really says: if you think this is a bad economy, you haven’t seen anything yet. And that has profound implications for both Main Street and Wall Street.
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  大谢道友班长的分析,我也多少受ECRI的影响亏了些。  /无内容 - bear10 11/09/11 (114)
    股市离开过熊市吗?不是要反弹一,二个月吗?  /无内容 - n_m 11/10/11 (90)
      美国公布的一些数据,不一定可信 - qwe9 11/09/11 (223)
        我相信你“不理睬一切新闻报道”。  /无内容 - n_m 11/10/11 (114)
          我专门看政经信息,分别真伪。:)。  /无内容 - n_m 11/10/11 (122)
        如果美国数据不可信,那么ECRI的数据就不可信, - 道友 11/09/11 (237)
          你预测的基本就没有准过 - Zhuabd 11/10/11 (160)
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