送交者: 道友 2011-09-02 09:41:56 于 [世界股票论坛]

The Weekly Leading Index (WLI) growth indicator of the Economic Cycle Research Institute (ECRI) dropped deeper into negative territory after oscillating in a narrow range (1.5 to 2.1) from late June through the first week of August. Today's update, data through August 26, now puts the decline at -4.3, down from last week's revised -2.1. The interim high of 8.0 was set in the week ending on April 15.

See the CNBC video clip featuring Lakshman Achuthan, Co-Founder and Chief Operations Officer of ECRI, which aired on Wednesday, August 31st, just before the ADP jobs report.

The Published Record

The published ECRI WLI growth metric has had a respectable record for forecasting recessions and rebounds therefrom. The next chart shows the correlation between the WLI, GDP and recessions.


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For a better look at this movement of this index in recent months, here's a snapshot of the data since 2000.


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A significant decline in the WLI has been a leading indicator for six of the seven recessions since the 1960s. It lagged one recession (1981-1982) by nine weeks. The WLI did turned negative 17 times when no recession followed, but 14 of those declines were only slightly negative (-0.1 to -2.4) and most of them reversed after relatively brief periods.

Three other three negatives were deeper declines. The Crash of 1987 took the Index negative for 68 weeks with a trough of -6.8. The Financial Crisis of 1998, which included the collapse of Long Term Capital Management, took the Index negative for 23 weeks with a trough of -4.5.

The third significant negative came near the bottom of the bear market of 2000-2002, about nine months after the brief recession of 2001. At the time, the WLI seemed to be signaling a double-dip recession, but the economy and market accelerated in tandem in the spring of 2003, and a recession was avoided.

The question had been whether the WLI decline that began the the Q4 of 2009 was a leading indicator of a recession. The published index has never dropped to the -11.0 level in July 2010 without the onset of a recession. The deepest decline without a recession onset was in the Crash of 1987, when the index slipped to -6.8. The ECRI managing director correctly predicted that we would avoid a double dip. The seven quarters of positive GDP since the end of the last recession supports the ECRI stance.

The WLI Versus Other Macroeconomic Indicators

For additional perspective on the performance of this indicator, see Comparing the ECRI Weekly Leading Index with Two Key Competitors, which highlights the curious behavor of the WLI following the 2008 Financial Crisis.


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The ECRI Weekly Leading Index appears to be more sensitive to upturns than either the Philly Fed's ADS Business Conditions Index (ADS) or the Chicago Fed's Current Activity Index.

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  WLIG 去年掉到了-10,但是没有衰退, - first timer 09/02/11 (421)
    我目前也是抛顶炒底 - qwe9 09/02/11 (463)
      最近这样做最有利  /无内容 - bubble 09/02/11 (287)
      老Q现在是绝顶高手了。 - 道友 09/02/11 (410)
        老道判断正确,现在也不算高手 - qwe9 09/02/11 (374)
        Q老弟是08年的时候,首先在这里大喊狼来了的人,一战成名。  /无内容 - first timer 09/02/11 (255)
          从此被大家认为是这个坛子的熊军领袖。他不来,我有时会想念的。  /无内容 - first timer 09/02/11 (286)
            记得09年的时候有个在日本的朋友老来,后来不见了,奇怪了。  /无内容 - first timer 09/02/11 (256)
    关键时刻老D出门了,杯具啊。 - 道友 09/02/11 (400)
      :)  /无内容 - n_m 09/02/11 (227)
      老D 离开这段时间正好远离市场噪音,利于闭关修炼, - first timer 09/02/11 (355)
        从表面数据上各位如何判断?老道认为是好事。 - 道友 09/02/11 (403)
          我比较倾向于相信ECRI的数据, - first timer 09/02/11 (334)
      剧烈震荡?只有这样MM才能爽 ?  /无内容 - xiaochong2003 09/02/11 (240)
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