CCJ 今天报盈余低于预期,可还涨了点。
送交者: 道友 2015月07月31日08:48:46 于 [世界股票论坛]
回  答:老道核能是不是差不多了。 tapestry 于2015-07-25 19:55:38

SASKATOON, Saskatchewan (AP) _ Cameco Corp. (CCJ) on Thursday reported second-quarter earnings of $71.6 million.

On a per-share basis, the Saskatoon, Saskatchewan-based company said it had profit of 18 cents. Earnings, adjusted for non-recurring gains, were 10 cents per share.

The results did not meet Wall Street expectations. The average estimate of three analysts surveyed by Zacks Investment Research was for earnings of 16 cents per share.

The uranium producer posted revenue of $459.5 million in the period.

Cameco shares have fallen 18 percent since the beginning of the year. The stock has dropped 35 percent in the last 12 months.

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