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万维读者网>世界音乐论坛>跟帖 |
找了一下, 看看这位可以吗? |
送交者: brav 2022月01月30日18:52:50 于 [世界音乐论坛] |
回 答:我没有, 你自己找好不?多谢多谢 由 火树 于2022-01-30 02:00:19 |
云南昭通的一个偏远小山村的这位林果儿. If you agree, I will try to get her contact info (Need to find her true name. ) and to obtain a confirmation on receiving the payment from her. Or Through 联合国儿童基金会 https://www.unicef.cn/stories/what-children-poverty-need https://www.unicef.cn/contact-us This can ensure the fund will go to the right place. |
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