纽约时报今天撰文《Why the Getty Center's Art Stayed Put as Fires Raged Nearby》说:盖蒂博物馆至少有十道防火措施,才使得盖蒂中心固若金汤,成为全球最安全的艺术品收藏地。

烈火真金 之 盖蒂博物馆成世界建筑防火经典
送交者: 三把刀 2025-01-13 08:19:26 于 [世界时事论坛]




  • The Getty Villa in the Pacific Palisades escaped fire damage as blazes move into inland towards Brentwood, home of the Getty Center museum (AFP via Getty Images)。

纽约时报今天撰文《Why the Getty Center's Art Stayed Put as Fires Raged Nearby》说:盖蒂博物馆至少有十道防火措施,才使得盖蒂中心固若金汤,成为全球最安全的艺术品收藏地。

  • The Getty’s architect, Richard Meier, built fire resistance into the billion-dollar complex, said Ron Hartwig, vice president of communications for the J. Paul Getty Trust. These hills are fire prone, but because of features like the 1.2 million square feet of thick travertine stone covering the outside walls, the crushed rock on the roofs and even the plants chosen for the brush-cleared grounds, “The safest place for the artwork to be is right here in the Getty Center,” he said.


现年九十岁的建筑师理查德·迈耶(Richard Meier),是现代建筑物白色派的主要代表。1997年底由他操刀设计历时14年耗资10亿美元建成的盖蒂中心,曾被誉为上世纪90年代世界三大杰出建筑之一。

  • Inside the Getty Center, the art galleries, library, and artwork storage areas are equally well-engineered, with state-of-the-art features that make them the safest possible place for art and archives during a fire.

The Getty Center in Los Angeles.

其实早在2019年的一篇文章《Why the Getty Center Is the Safest Place for Art During a Fire》中就详细介绍了盖蒂中心在防震放火上先进的内外兼修的设计理念和功效。

  • The Getty’s architecture and landscaping were designed with fire prevention in mind. The buildings are made of highly fire-resistant stone, concrete, and protected steel. The Getty campus features wide-open travertine plazas with extensive open space around the buildings to slow down a fire, and the landscaping is well-irrigated throughout.

  • Fire-resistant landscaping spans the Getty campus and the surrounding land. This includes drought-resistant plants and oak trees, whose canopies are regularly pruned to prevent them from becoming fuel for fire. The ground underneath is also cleared regularly. The Getty’s Central Garden is the most-watered landscaping on the site and is surrounded by grass and an irrigation system that can be employed to create a buffer against a fire.

  • In the article, the museum noted that its buildings are made of fire-resistant stone, concrete and protected steel. Surrounding it are travertine plazas and well-irrigated landscaping designed to slow down the spread of fire. The roofs are covered with fire-resistant stone aggregate. Inside, the museum has walls of reinforced concrete or fire-protected steel and automatic fire doors that can trap fires in sealed-off areas. It has an air system designed to maintain a pressure flow to keep smoke from entering the building from outside. And there are sprinklers, but they are activated only as a last resort.


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