《小真的故事》 简介 小真原本是一个单纯、善良的基督徒,总是真心地对待每一个朋友。然而面对利益,昔日好友却与她反目成仇。悲惨遭遇过后,小真被迫丢弃自己的真心,放弃自己往日的做人原则,开始出卖自己的良心与灵魂,与这个邪恶世界同流合污……她一路堕落,被这个世界践踏得伤痕累累,就在她走投无路、彻底绝望之时,全能神真情的呼唤终于唤醒了小真的心与灵……
Xiaozhen was a simple, kind-hearted Christian. She treated all her friends with a sincere heart. However, faced with interests, her good old friends turned into enemies. After the tragic encounter, Xiaozhen was forced to abandon her sincere heart and the principle of conducting herself. She betrayed her conscience and soul and associated with the evil world. … Day by day, she became more and more fallen. Trampled by this evil world, she was badly hurt. Just when she came to a dead end and sank into utter despair, the sincere calling of Almighty God finally awakened her heart and spirit….
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