中国制造业2023, 5万5万亿,美国2.8万日本1万德国0.7 印度0.4,中国比他们加一起还多
送交者: 火树 2024-07-21 17:51:59 于 [世界游戏论坛]

In 2023, the manufacturing industry in the United States added $2.8 trillion to the country's gross domestic product (GDP), which is a slight increase from 2022. The chemical products industry contributed the most to this total, at $513.2 billion

In 2023, China's total value-added industrial production was around 40 trillion yuan, or about 5.57 trillion U.S. dollars.

In 2023, the value added by the manufacturing sector in Japan was approximately $1 trillion USD.

In 2023, the value added by the manufacturing sector in Germany was approximately $751 billion USD.

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