送交者: x-file 2020-12-27 20:00:21 于 [世界游戏论坛]



印度总粮食产量300 百万吨, 那么每公顷产量是1917公斤。平均每个农民364.2 公斤

印度人均粮食占有量是211公斤,那么他除了自己吃的,可以卖364.2-211=153 公斤。

假设他是种稻子的,印度水稻卖的比中国贵, 我们算一公斤2.5美元(天价啦),那么这个农民的一年种水稻的收入是382.5美元。这里面还要扣除种子,化肥,农药,农具。。。的花销。

一年就200-300 美元,能活吗?

中国,美国,日本。。。。。对农业,对农民都要有大量的补贴。中国农民收入50%以上是靠外出打工的工资收入。印度工业规模是中国的1/10, 根本没有那么多的就业机会。


a simple fact is no farmers in the world can survive without huge subsides from government, US has it, JP has it, China has it. only by selling grain they just cannot.  the reason is , grain is very cheap, and grain is not money, nobody wants what he/she needed, India's arable land is about 0.12 hectares per person, or 2.47x0.12 = 0.2964 Acre, 60% are farmers, or 820 million, so each farmer has about 0.19 hectare. total India grain production for 2020 is 300 million tons. India total arable land is 156463000 hectares so the yield is 1917 kg per hectare. each farmer on average can have 0.19*1917 kg =364.2 kg per person. India's average grain per person is 211 kg. so for each farmer, beside he kept enough for himself, he can sell 364.2-211=153 kg.  let us say it is rice, that is about $2.5 per kg, for a whole year, a rice farmer can make on average about 153 x $2.5 = $382.5 for a year, also need to subtract the cost for seeds, fertilizer, pesticides , agriculture machines, .......can anyone survive ???you tell me.

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