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印度2019-2020粮食总产达到历史最高,291.95百万吨,人均211公斤 (中国 |
送交者: x-file 2020-12-24 23:34:04 于 [世界游戏论坛] |
India's total grain production "India's 2019-20 foodgrain production to hit a record high of 291.95 million tonnes"Read more at:https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/economy/agriculture/indias-2019-20-foodgrain-production-to-hit-a-record-high-of-291-95-million-tonnes-estimates-second-advance-estimate-of-govt/articleshow/74192668.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppstso divided by 1.38 billion peoplethat is 211.557 per person.China's grain total production for 2019-2020669.6 million tons, divided by 1.4 billionthat is 478.2 kg per personIndia's arable land is 25% more than China, with total yield is 291.95/669.5= 43% 中国2020年粮食总产量669.5百万吨,人均478.2公斤. 印度耕地面积是中国的125%, 总产量是中国的43%, 中国单位面积产量446.5公斤/亩 印度单位面积产量150 公斤/亩 中国亩产是印度的3倍 |
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