送交者: x-file 2020-12-17 21:01:39 于 [世界游戏论坛]
India is wasting money on building more Arihant class nuclear submarines.  The reason is they are totally useless, with only 6600 tons, it can only hold K15 with 750 km range, totally useless  in war, who will let it into that close in war? compare to China's JL II 8000 km range and JL III 12000 km range.  So called Arighat can hold K5 or K6 is just a lie, it is the same size with Arihant, which cannot even hold K4.   S4 and S4 star are the same diameter as Arihant or Airghat, only difference is they added a 10 meter long section in the middle to hold more K 15, but still cannot hold K4, since the diameter is the same.

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