印度农民自诉为什么抗议 (英文的,)
送交者: x-file 2020-12-17 01:19:17 于 [世界游戏论坛]
If you knew the reality of how these mandis work, you wouldn't say that. Doesn't this concern you that the Big COPORATES ARE NOW BEING GIVEN A ** LICENCE TO START HOARDING** FARM PRODUCE?The protest of these farm bills is happening all over the country. The people of Punjab and Haryana are more prosperous and able to stand up against these harmful farm bills. These farm bills will harm ALL THE STATES OF MY COUNTRY. BIG FISH EAT SMALL FISH. Does that make sense to you? If not then there is no point in trying to convince you to open your mind and see the long term negative impact these bills will have.The reason Modi can't back off is because he has a gun to his head from Ambaanis & Addani's who have ALREADY BUILT INFRASTRUCTURE TO START HOARDING AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE. Please look it up and be thankful to farmers for their strength to oppose it!!These BILLS are worth protesting and fighting against, WITH OUR LIVES. We are fighting to protect the income and future, does that show you the significance of this protest. The farmers  protesting are not fools. No matter what you say or other economists say, there is a huge difference in what is perceived 'should happen' and what 'actually happens'.If for the first couple of years, big corporations offer better prices for produce, the farmers will be discouraged to go to the mandies. Correct? What happens to all the employees in the mandies? You think the government will retain all employees? The revenue from the mandies is also used for development in the local areas so lesser revenue lesser development. Do you expect the Modernized Corporate parallel mandies to employ all the low class laborers who currently work in mandies. Do you even know how many laborers work in mandies right now? Do you know where they will find an alternate job?Why do you think Ambaani's have already built storage facilities in Punjab already and requested the Haryana govt to allow building storage units there? Why and how is it that the Ambanis have filed with registrar 50 new Agro based companies? You really think they will let any other player succeed in the market?You are witnessing corporate greed growing under BJP. Where are all the public sector companies now? Could the government not do the overhaul of the existing Mandi system and make it viable for the farmers across India to get a minimum support price as a legal guarantee punishable by crime? If the farmers get this minimum rates guarantee backed by legal right, it would help cover their costs and offer a reasonable margin. Would that not have sufficed? What is it that the private sector can do and the public sector can't?Why during the Pandemic? Could it not wait till we were Corona free? Can you draw the line? If this bill was so good, why did the government agree to more than 20 amendments already?? There were mistakes that needed to be fixed. If farmers had not raised their voice, the government would never have corrected those. Can you deny that the government has agreed to some of the changes  farmers put forth?

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